The production process of denim given in the following link gives the general idea of the process, the series of blogs like this give the brief explanation of the process and machines. Here in this blog we will go forward to second step, which is spinning:
The manufacturing of yarn starts with the transfer of the cotton bales chosen by a special software from the warehouse to the feeder of the blowing room which is the starting point of the yarn spinning halt.
From this point onwards the cotton undergoes many processes such as
cleaning opening and blending with the contents of other bales it is during this process that fibers which are too short are extracted. Process are briefly describe here:
The cotton fibers are then subjected to a carding operation that ensures that the fibers are parallel to each other at the same time a vigorous and detailed cleaning of the material to be used in the yarn production is carried out in order to radiate to the next phase of manufacturing as a result of these operations the cotton fibers are transformed from the compressed randomly mixed material containing impurities to the sliver which have been neatly stacked into cans ready to the following processes.
In the drawing frame process the sliver from different carding machines are joined to form a homogeneous mix and the parallelism of the fibers is further enhanced the bookends that are a part of the fibers nature are straightened out and the fibers are further lengthened. In order to monitor the weight per unit length of the produced sliver. Control highly developed electronic regulation systems are utilized. Sliver from the drawing frame operation with uniform mass per unit length are further drawn out by the roving frame.
In this operation single twisted yarn then wound onto tubes that can be used on the yarn machines. The roving is the final step before yarn is produced, after this operation the rovings are subjected to a further drawing out operation on the ring machines.
Ring Machine
Ring machines further thinned out the yarn to the final required yarn thickness. During this operation the yarn gravity is subjected to a twist in order to give it the required durability. The ring machine determines the circuit structure and the physical attributes of the yarn being produced.
Winding Process
Last phase of yarn production is the winding process here the cops produced by the ring machines are spliced to each other and transformed into a bobbin format of specific lengths, this splicing process is very important from the point of view of the productivity of subsequent phases. Where the bobbins will be used and the final appearance of the fabric developed. During the winding process the yarns are monitored every millimeter of the way by high technology sensors on the bobbin machines and faulty areas that may affect the texture of the fabric are eliminated.
Finally, color quality and authentic appearance is preliminary for preparing the yarn for Rope dyeing system which is the preferred system of denim production. The yarns that will be used in the warping are stacked in the ball warping machines creel section and are all brought to the front of the machine to be transformed into Rope. The Rope does produced is then wound on two cylindrical shafts ready to be dyed in the indigo machine. following blog help in the understanding of process , how substantial dyeing range can be produced: